my name is
Jon R. Astrop
and I'm glad
you're here

Who am I

I thrive on solving problems—purposeful tinkering.

I was born in South Africa and grew up in New Zealand, spent more than half a decade in Japan, half a decade hopping between North America and Europe then settled down in Amsterdam early 2018. 

For the past 15 years, I've been part of and later leading a digital agency in the B2B space, partnering with several Fortune 500 long-term clients. Constantly growing and taking on new challenges and responsibilities.

I’ve always taken pride in being the hands-on “figure it out” guy, being able to grasp challenges quickly and rapidly work out solutions.

Having strong foundations in technology and utilizing my innate curiosity, I've been able to identify problems and often raise the standard of the status quo.

When I’m not working or thinking about interesting challenges, chances are I’m running laps in my simulator, running around the squash court or kicking back with a movie.

What I've done

I've categorized a collection of programs I've played a key role in developing over the years. A significant portion of my B2B projects are protected by NDAs, restricting the extent to which team members can share outcomes.