Platform Solutions

App Catalog

Client Management
Technology Direction
UI/UX Lead

The Challenge: A leading global professional services company found that globally they had a large number of solutions at various stages of development, however gathering information about these solutions was inconsistent at best.

The Solution: Our team designed and developed an "App Catalog" with a custom CMS and multiple UI templates providing tagging and filtering functionalities across industries and verticals. In doing so, it helped develop best practices for data capture and consistency across solutions regardless of their stage of development.


Technology Direction
Brand Strategy
Product Launch
UX/UI Lead
Creative Direction

The Challenge: How to help performing artists, who were generally underserved by large streaming/recording labels, during a global pandemic where in-person events were either severely limited or fully canceled.

The Solution: Pulling together multiple APIs and frameworks to deploy an online experience that allows users to purchase tickets and attend live streamed events from their favorite local artists. Leveraging payment gateways with paywalls, live streaming services from Vimeo and tying them into custom user management for a seamless user experience.


Technology Direction
UI/UX Lead
Brand Strategy
Creative Direction
3D Prototyping/Showcases
Product Launch

The Challenge: Launch a free-to-use Augmented Reality Platform that could introduce users to AR while alleviates the need for technical skills.

The Solution: Our team developed and launched an iOS and Android App along with an accompanying webapp for content management. Leveraging the Wikitude AR framework behind the scenes allowed us to focus on the user journey and approachability for the broadest number of users to create their own AR experiences.


Client Management
Technology Direction
UX/UI Direction

The Challenge: A leading global professional services company found that coordinating design, layout and build of webpages on their web platform across dozens of teams and thousands of pages was costing them significantly in team time and effort.

The Solution: Collaboratively with our client, we scoped out and built a simplified template preview platform that mimicked the structure and complex rule set across multiple language, industry, insight, blog and content pages.  Allowing for teams to test, preview and share layouts of their content for internal approvals before submitting to the internal teams for development on their website CMS. Our client estimated that this was saving them literally hundreds and at times thousands of hours each month across their content teams.


Technology Direction
UX/UI Lead
Demo Development

The Challenge: A startup-to-scale up looking to secure clients and funding for an emerging technology platform using advances in AI to help accelerate innovation in the B2B marketing and communication space.

The Solution: Our team has built out rapid prototypes and demos for a variety of client and venture capital pitches.

Social Wall

Client Management
Technology Direction
UX/UI Lead

The Challenge: A leading global professional services company wanted a way to provide relevant and specific social media content on dozens and in some cases hundreds of pages with minor variations based on geographic, localization and industry filtering. Where existing solutions fell sort due to lack of customization and control.

The Solution: Develop a "Social Wall" platform leveraging social media APIs. Giving admin users control to bring in entire channels wholesale or tag individual posts and segmenting tiles to display based on current page URL, defined industry, location and keywords via embeddable widgets with various display styles. Originally pulling Job Postings, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram but as the platform evolved and APIs shutdown only LinkedIn remained viable.